Tidings of Fall

Don’t get too cozy

Defiant Joy
2 min readAug 23, 2024


Photo by cottonbro studio from Pexels

cascading dance of leaves has begun

will you take a chance before they are done

chilly wind of change blushes the face mighty prettily

sneaking kisses on cheeks tickled pink

shall I save savoring sugary cinnamon lips for later

wash you down with icy honey crisp apple cider

don’t need the warmth from the bonfire

heat steadily rising higher

matches tit-for-tat a burgeoning desire

wait just a second, insides warn

threatening momentum

shutting the door on living life to the max

Don’t be foolish mortal!


Life’s full of wondrous surprises

Break away from the static

Knock the cobwebs from your attic

allow the amicable spirits to invade

a concoction of pure strange magic

floating along on a wave of mystical thinning veil ether

do you feel their presence sink deep in your soul



Defiant Joy

Previously known as King’s Nuts and Charlotte Ella King. Don’t follow me, I have no idea what I’m doing. Also, please follow me.